Entertainment spring meetings 2nd junior group. Spring entertainment in the junior group “Sun-bucket. Entertainment scenario “Meeting of Spring”

Olga Kabanova
Spring fun in the second junior group

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle

Leading: If the snow melts everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the wind gets warmer,

This means spring has come to us.

Ved: On the road, on the road music calls us.

Today in the forest the spring locomotive will take us.

(Musical rhythmic game "Locomotive")

Ved: Now we have arrived in the forest, do you hear the birds singing?

We will sit in a clearing and listen to the birds singing.

(listen to the soundtrack of the singing of sparrows, pigeons, cuckoos and nightingales)

Ved: 1-2-3-4-5, we start playing!

A game "Flight"

(children answer the question and point with their hands)

The owl flew, flew, and sat on its knees. (Yes)

The cockerel flew, flew and sat on its head. (Yes)

The little goat flew, flew, and sat down on a perch. (No)

The lark flew and sat on a pole. (Yes)

The cow moos and flies through the air. (No)

The crow flew and sat on a tree. (Yes)

The dog flies and barks at the kids. (No)

The bee buzzes and flies through the air. (Yes)

Ved: In a round dance, in a round dance, music calls us all.

Round dance “There was a birch tree in the field”

Ved: The sun laughs tenderly, shines brighter, hotter!

And a talkative stream flows loudly from the hillock! (Spring)

1 reb: Streams sing everywhere,

And the snowdrops are blooming.

Everything woke up from sleep -

Spring has come to us.

2reb: Spring has come to us again, we want to dance.

Everyone is happy about the warmth, enjoying the sun.

3reb: Streams they are ringing: "Ding-dong!", and ringing can be heard everywhere.

Flowers are blooming, you and I are rejoicing!

4reb: The sun is shining brightly! Birds preen their feathers.

Bugs, butterflies and spiders wake up.

5reb: Sun spring, shine kindly.

Song spring, sound more fun!

Song "Winter has passed"

Ved: Where is our sun? With him we will have more more fun. We need to call the Sun and sing a song loudly.

Song "The sun has a friend"

Sun: I hear, I hear your song.

I will celebrate the holiday with you!

Hello guys!

Children answer: Hello Sunshine

Sun: The music sings again,

It calls us all to dance.

We'll take all the handkerchiefs,

Let's start a dance together.

The music plays louder

He invites us to dance.

Dance with handkerchiefs

Ved: Guess, guys, about the flowers puzzles:

1. On a green fragile leg, a ball grew on the path,

The breeze rustled and dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

2. Rye is earing in the field. You will find a flower there

Bright blue and fluffy, but it’s a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)

3. Sometimes purple, sometimes blue

At the edge of the forest, a flower met you.

They gave him a very sonorous name,

But he can hardly just ring. (Bell)

Ved: The music sings again,

It calls us all to dance.

We are on our holiday

Let's start a dance together.

Tumbler Dance

The sun lays out flower centers on the floor and speaks:

Warm rays

I will warm the earth!

Blossom the flowers

Get to the meadow soon!

You guys help me

Match the petals to the flowers!

A game "Collect flowers"

Sun: Thank you, guys, for such a beautiful clearing!

(Approaches the house, a flower grows there)

But I have my favorite flower! It’s magical, but for some reason it doesn’t grow! Maybe he is very hot?

Ved.: Of course it’s hot! But don't worry, honey! You rest a little, and we will call for rain, it will water our flower.

"Umbrella Game"

Sun: (brings out a magic flower, a song sounds "scarlet flower")

We open the magic flower and give the children a delicious treat!

(takes out treats for the children)

Ved.: And now we all board our magic locomotive and go back to group, eat our treat.

Thank you sunshine!

Children go by steam locomotive to group.

Publications on the topic:

"Visiting the Hedgehog." Spring entertainment in the second junior group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3" of a general developmental type in the city of Vladivostok APPROVED BY: HEAD.

“Spring Sun” entertainment for the 2nd junior group. To the music of E. Grieg “Morning” the children enter the hall. Music hands Good morning - the birds are singing! Good people, get out of bed. All the darkness is hiding.

Scenario of sports entertainment in the middle group “How the little bear was looking for its mother” Purpose: Formation of a positive mood from physical activity.

“Children’s topiary “Spring Tree” Purpose: To introduce children to the “topiary” technique, to create organizational and pedagogical conditions in the classroom.

Summary of GCD using non-traditional drawing techniques in the second junior group “Spring Miracle” - teacher Orlova L. V. Goal: Consolidating knowledge about spring using speech and artistic activities. Using unconventional drawing techniques. Tasks:.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Spring Journey. Sound |z|» Summary of a lesson on speech development “Spring Journey. Sound |z|» Program content: 1. develop auditory and phanemic attention.

Natalya Litvinova
Musical and recreational entertainment in the second junior group “Vesna-Krasna”

Musical and recreational entertainment

at 2 younger group« Vesna-Krasna»

Prepared by MBDOU teacher "Kindergarten No. 24" Litvinova Natalia Alexandrovna

Target: creating a joyful mood in children


1. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the world around them;

2. Stimulate the speech and motor activity of children;

3. Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, breathing, sense of rhythm, tempo;

4. Form correct posture, ability to navigate in space, imitative movements;

5. Foster feelings of collectivism, determination, and self-confidence.

Equipment: the hall is decorated with spring attributes: green leaves, birch trees, snowdrops, sun; multi-colored ribbons and blue scarves for each child, blue fabric for the stream, masks for head: sparrow boys, frog girls, hedgehog mask, umbrella, paper flowers and butterflies, origami boats made of colored paper, hoop.

Preliminary work: reading literature and listening musical works on the topic « Spring» , looking at pictures depicting spring nature, talking about spring, about spring flowers, observing changes in nature, memorizing poems about spring, sun, drawing using unconventional methods.

Children enter under music one after another and lined up in a semicircle.

Presenter: Why does the sun shine brightly and cleanly from heaven?

Why does a green leaf tend to go up here and there?

Why do birds sing loud songs on the branches?

Why are the animals in the forest now unable to sleep?

Because she came to visit us guys again Spring!

Song about spring

Comes under spring music.

Spring: Hello guys, here I am Spring.

She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the hot, radiant sun

And it walks across the clear sky.

It will walk across the sky, it will warm the earth,

It will give everyone warmth

Presenter: Now get up in a round dance

spring and welcome the sun

Spring round dance (with multi-colored ribbons)

Children sit down

Presenter: We glorify spring, we read poetry to her.

1 child The sun began to warm the earth again.

AND Spring- the beauty came to us again.

2 reb. Birds fly, sing songs,

And the icicles melt, they don’t let us sleep.

Spring: A stream ran. He gurgles and gurgles, talking to himself.

It will spill over the meadow,

Don't go anywhere, my friend!

Come out all boldly, let's jump over the stream!

A game "Jump Over the Stream"

The leader spreads a blue cloth on the floor, the children jump over it one after another.

2-3 times and sit down

Spring: And now we are all turning into merry streams!

Turn left and right, everything will turn into a stream!

Everyone takes blue handkerchiefs and performs a dance "Stream"

1. Run, run, run, kids

They ran, ran, streams ran.


Spring streams here and there. (Spring)

They sing a fun song to our children.

2. The kids ran, ran, ran (running in a flock, arms to the sides)

The streams began to babble, babble, and babble.


Whirl with me, fast, fast stream (Spinning)

Repeat after me quickly, little friend.

3. The kids ran away, ran away, ran away (running around, waving handkerchiefs)

The children's streams began to gurgle more merrily.

Chorus: Let’s all gather in a circle (gather in a circle and do "fountain")

One, two, one, two, three!

What a big fountain! Look! -2 times

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you bring with you?

Spring: I came with spring messengers, with cheerful singers.

They sing songs and peck worms in the field.

Bird children: We are forest singers, we are different.

I eat all day and don’t get tired at all.

Dance of the sparrows

(disk "Dance baby" No. 2 edited by T. I Suvorova)

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: I woke up the little animals, the pop-eyed, green frogs.

They open their mouths big and start croaking loudly.

frogs: We are cheerful girlfriends, we are green frogs.

Dance of the frogs (at the choice of the music director)

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: There was a whiff in the forest in the spring, the snow has retreated from the paths

Along a narrow forest path. The hedgehog is walking, waking up.

Presenter: Hedgehog play with us, quickly catch up with us.

Playing with a hedgehog

Presenter: Hedgehog, hedgehog along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp.

His legs are tired, stomp, stomp, stomp

Hedgehog, sit down and relax, look at the guys.

(the hedgehog sits down, the children dance)

Look at the guys, and then catch up!

(hedgehog catches up with children)

The children sit down.

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you bring with you?

Spring: I came to visit you with the spring rain.

Presenter: Here are the drops of Kapitoshka

They clattered along the path.

The clouds are approaching

It's starting to rain!

Finger game "Rain big and small"

To a light and quiet melody in the upper register, children lightly tap the palm of the other hand with the finger of one hand, sentencing: "Drip-drip-drip"

When changing music on loud, tapping your index finger on your knees. A game repeated several times. Next we introduce the sound of a thunderstorm and the children knock on their knees and stomp.

Spring: Sing a song about rain for me.

Song "Rain"

(at the choice of the music director with bells and bells)

Spring: Hurry up, rain, come out and guys cheered up.

A game "Sun and Rain" Spring holding an umbrella

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red What did you bring with you?

Spring: I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows.

(throws flowers under music)

Help me quickly and sort out the flowers,

We need to decorate the flower beds and invite the butterflies.

A game "Decorate the flowerbed"

There are flowers on the floor, they need to be collected in a hoop - this is a flower bed. Children collect flowers in a flowerbed.

Presenter: And the butterflies flew in and sat on our palms.

Children are given light paper butterflies on their palms.

Children doing breathing exercise "Blow away the butterfly"

Children blow on a butterfly so that it "flew away" to the flowerbed.

The children sit down.

Presenter: Thank you, Spring is red, for coming to visit us.

Spring: You greeted me kindly, noticed me with song and dance.

I will give everyone a gift, I will not deprive anyone!

May it be in your streams and puddles

The ships will spin!

Children are given colorful paper boats.

Presenter: What wonderful boats. You and I will definitely play with them and let them swim. These are our boats of happiness. Let our boats sail along a stream of tenderness, care and love. Well, it's time to say goodbye. IN the group should come back soon.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the early development group “Spring is Red” Purpose: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about spring natural phenomena; name the main signs of spring. Tasks: - replenish and activate vocabulary.

Abstract of educational activities for the public organization "Speech Development" in the preparatory group "Vesna-Krasna" Abstract of educational activities for the public organization "Speech Development" with preschoolers "Vesna-Krasna" (Federal State Educational Standards) Integration of educational areas: social and communicative.

Abstract of the GCD on the surrounding world “Red Spring has come” in the senior group Topic: “Red Spring has come.” Goal: to clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Objectives: educational: consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Spring is red, come soon!” Goal: development of coherent speech on the topic “Spring”. Program content: - learn to select words-definitions for a noun - learn to answer.

Entertainment scenario “Meeting of Spring”

for children of the second younger group

Program content:

Arouse positive emotions from joint games (musical, active, creative). Cultivate interest in the perceived content. Continue to develop imagination, fantasy and logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, presentations on the theme "Spring". Reading and memorizing poems about spring and the spring months. Games to develop imagination, based on the seasons. Weather monitoring; behind the sky, behind the snow, behind the trees, birds; for natural phenomena characteristic of the onset of spring - icicles, ice drift, thawed patches.

Progress of entertainment:

To the music “The Sun Has Friends”, music. E. Tilicheeva children enter the decorated hall.


The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south.

The sun is warming in the morning.

Coming to visit us...

Children. Spring!

First child.

Why has everything changed?
Why did everything sparkle?

Did you laugh and sing?
Well, tell me, what's the matter?

Second child.

It's so easy to understand -
Spring has come to us again!
We are glad: spring has already arrived!
Nature has awakened from its winter sleep.

Third child.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms.

Birds hover above.

We will sing a sonorous song about spring.

Children sing a song about spring “The sun has friends” by E. Tilicheeva.


Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

They've been dancing since the morning

Children are at the party.

Children perform the round dance “Spring has come to us again” by muses. M. Sidorova .


Let's all go to the spring forest,

Where there are many fabulous miracles,

So follow me, don't lag behind

And walk more cheerfully.

Children follow the teacher around the hall. Playing with words :

This right hand, this left hand
On the right is a quiet clearing,
There is a fast river on the left.
We turned around and now -
Everything has become the other way around!
On the left is a quiet clearing,
On the right is a fast river.
Has she really become right?
My left hand?
We turned around, and behold -
Everything has become the other way around.

Presenter.So we came to the spring forest, to a beautiful clearing. Oh, what beauty it is here!

Breathing exercise “Oh, how it smells!”

Offer to smell what spring smells like: air, grass, first flowers.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly; sniff - a few short breaths, a long exhalation with the word “Ah!”

Presenter. Guys, I think I hear someone's voice. Let's listen.

The bear enters.


Without need and without worry
I slept, slept in my den.
Slept all winter until spring
And I saw colored dreams.
Suddenly I woke up and heard: drops... What a disaster!
He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around!
Then he hurried outside. Floods. No time for sleep!
I got out and saw: puddles!
Snow is melting.
Spring came!

Presenter. Hello, Mishenka! Good afternoon

It's time to wake up - Spring has come!

Bear. Hello, kids! Play with me.

The outdoor game “Bear and the Bees” is played. Nasaulenko.


Don't be angry, Mishenka the Bear.

Spring has come again and brought warmth with it.

The bees have woken up - they will collect honey.

Berries will grow in the forest - you will be full!

And the children will run to the clearing, sing, play, dance -

Enjoy spring!

Bear. Thanks guys for playing with me. Continue along the path. You will learn a lot of interesting things...


The path led us into the forest.

It is full of fabulous wonders.

Listen, there's a noise of birds there,

The birds have returned to us again.

A phonogram of birds sounds. Spring and Winter enter the hall.


Goodbye, Winter, it's time for you to leave.

It’s my turn, I haven’t been there for a whole year.


I won’t let you in, Spring, I’ll howl and whistle,

I’ll call the blizzard to come and I can drive you away.


You shouldn't have gotten angry

You, sister, are wrong

If I hadn't shown up,

The grass wouldn't grow.

The starlings did not come to us,

They did not return to their native land.


What is this really?

You are always arguing with me.

I'm fluffy and white

I'm cute to the kids!

I let them ride

Both on the slide and on the ice,

I wish to stay

I won't leave here.


You're nice, and I'm nicer

I'm lighter and warmer

So that the grains begin to ripen,

I want to warm the earth.

I'm coming to replace you,

I bring fresh greens.

I will dress up all the trees -

In groves, parks and forests.



People have been waiting for me for a long time

They opened the window for me,

To every city, to every region

I lead a blooming May.


Who started this dispute?

Name two sisters.

Children. Winter and spring.


Children whom you want to leave -

Blizzard winter or warm spring?

Children. Spring.

Winter gets angry and leaves the hall.


Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

I've been in the forest for a long time,

I bring joy and warmth.

Brighter, sunshine, shine!

The grass is growing greener!

Sing us a song, little stream!

Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Presenter. Spring, our children are glad to see you.

You've come

And it brought fun.

The sun is clear, shine

Celebrate our holiday with us!

The dance of streams is performed.

Spring. Well done boys. And now I propose to play with the sunbeam who looked into our hall.

The game "Sunny Bunny" is played.

The bunny looked into his eyes - close them.

Run along the cheeks, neck - stroke them.

The bunny has reached the tummy - pet the tummy.

The sunny bunny loves and caresses you, let's make friends with him. Great, let's smile at each other.

The outdoor game “Spring, Red Spring” is being played

Spring, red spring!

(children walk in a circle holding hands)
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,

(go the other way)
With great mercy:
With tall flax,

(stop, raise their arms up, stand on their toes, inhale)
With deep roots,

(squat, lower arms, exhale)
With abundant bread.

(holding hands, they run in a circle).

Spring. Children, guess my riddle.

Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring

Presenter. When a lot of icicles melt at once on the street, it turns out to be droplets.

Finger gymnastics “Drip-drip-drip rings the drops”

Drip-drip-drip - drops ringing

April has come to us.
(Children drum their fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano.)

Spring. Thank you guys for the dancing and the song.
I found it both fun and interesting.
I congratulate you all on the beginning of spring,
I wish you Sun, Warmth and Light!
Have a treat!

Presenter. Well, here we are on a spring day -

Let's dance and sing too!

Integrated musical entertainment introduces children to the heroes of Russian fairy tales through familiarization with musical works, expands children's horizons about fairy-tale characters, contributes to the formation of ideas about good and evil, and contributes to the development of musical and rhythmic movements; develops children emotionally and aesthetically.



State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow

Secondary school No. 2048,

structural unit No. 1

Musical director

Abarenova Marfa Gennadievna

Integrated Music Entertainment

“We welcome spring, we invite the sun”

for children of the second younger group.

Create a joyful mood in children by singing, moving and playing to music.

Expand children's horizons about the characters of fairy-tale characters.

To form creative manifestations in all types of musical activities.


Getting to know the images of heroes from Russian folk tales

Promote comprehensive, including artistic and aesthetic development


Teach speech, singing, motor skills.


To promote the development of children's cognitive skills, curiosity, sociability, and activity.

Cultivate a sense of empathy.

Material and equipment:

Music Center

Screen for puppet show

Bibabo dolls


Preliminary work:

Conversations about fairy-tale characters, reading Russian folk tales, learning songs and dances.

Progress of integrated music entertainment

The sun shone hotter

The sun began to sparkle in the sky

Foliage is blooming

So it’s coming to us...

First child:

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And he runs, sparkling in the fields,

So, Spring is coming to us!

Second child:

There's a song outside the window

I can hear it all day long.

Who came up with the song

Sun and Spring!

Let's sing a song about spring,

Let's invite the red spring to visit.

Larks, fly!

We're tired of winter,

I ate a lot of bread!

You fly and bring a red Spring, a hot summer!

Children sing the song “Sun” by Mus. A. Filippenko

Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

They've been dancing since the morning

Joyful children.

Children perform the dance “Fingers and Hands” r.n.m. Arranged by M. Rauchwerger.

After the dance, the children sit down.

puppet show

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, oh. It's kind of hot today.

The birds sing so loudly and cheerfully

Why don't they let me sleep?

I don't want this kind of spring

I want snow and winter

To keep the birds quiet

So that they don't shout anymore

So that they don't disturb my sleep.

I want, I want, I want it to become white - white from snow

So that all the birds would hide and be silent

So that they don't disturb my sleep.

Come again winter, come again winter

Silver threads appear in Baba Yaga’s hands. Baba Yaga casts a spell. At this time, Spring appears on the screen.

Look, guys, the beautiful Spring is coming.

Hello, Grandma Yaga.

I came to your forests

Melted all the snow

Grass grew everywhere.

Baba Yaga:

I don't love you Spring

I won’t let you near my forests.

I will howl and whistle

I'll call winter again

To drive you away faster

You shouldn't have gotten angry

I want to warm up the earth

So that the grains begin to ripen

I'm going to change winter

I bring fresh greens

I'll dress up all the trees

In groves, parks and forests

Baba Yaga:

I'll powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.

I'll hide you for a whole year

No one in the world will find it. He won't find it, he won't find it.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga throws a snowball on Spring. The dolls disappear behind the screen.

Baba Yaga hid Spring. Will no one find her? Let's go look for the beautiful Spring.

As the presenter speaks, a track is laid out.

Be careful. The path is not simple, but magical. If the music plays, you will go. If the music stops, you stop too.

A Russian folk melody is being recorded. Children walk along the path and stop when the music stops again. At the end of the path they go out into the middle of the hall. In the hall on the stump a child in a bunny costume is sitting and “crying.”

Why are you crying bunny?

No Spring. I'm cold and hungry.

And we have carrots. Take it and eat it.

The bunny “eats” a carrot.

Thanks guys.

Let's play with the bunny. Sit on the stump, little bunny, and we will dance around you.

The round dance “We went to the meadow” by the muses takes place. A. Filippenko

Bunny, we are looking for Spring. Do you know where Baba Yaga hid Spring?

Don't know. Probably the sparrow knows. Let's go to him.

Music is playing. The presenter walks around the hall with the children.

Let's call the sparrow.

The children call the sparrow. Music is playing.

The words of Baba Yaga are heard:

I won’t let anyone in to Spring.

Hear how angry Winter is. Doesn't let us see the sparrow. Let's sing him a song. He will hear and fly.

The song “Kar, kap” by the muses is performed. F. Filkenshtein. A sparrow comes out.


Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Sparrow is a mischief maker!

I'm so glad to see the warm sun

And greets the guys.

Hello, little sparrow. We are looking for Spring. Baba Yaga hid her. Can you help us find her?


I'm flying high. I know where Spring is. She gave me a letter for the guys.

Gives a letter to the presenter.

Let's honor him.

Reads the letter.

"Hello guys. Baba Yaga hid me and bewitched me. She hid me behind three streams.

If you play with them

Can Baba Yaga's magic be removed"

Guys, we will have magical paths. Tell me, what color is the water?

The children answer.

And we will have three magical multi-colored streams. One will be blue, the second will be yellow, the third will be green.

The game “Find your stream” is taking place.

There are 3 streams of different colors laid out on the floor: blue, pink, green. Children are divided into 3 teams, each lined up at its own stream. Everyone runs to the musicscatteredly, finally resorting to a stream of their own color.

Here's what else is written in the letter from Vesna

"To disenchant me

We need to call the sun"

Children go to the window and call the sun along with the leader:

Sunshine, little bucket, look out the window.

No sunshine. Let's look through another window

They come to another window and say

Sunshine, bucket

Look out the window.

The child Sunny enters.


Hello! Here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is more important than everyone else

The sun is the most needed!

Hello Sunshine. Help us find Spring. Baba Yaga hid her very far away.


Of course I'll help. Do the guys know magic poems?

Of course, the guys know magic poems. Listen to them.

Children read poetry.

First child:

There is a yellow flower in the sky

Doesn't fade all year round

And any petal

It will reach the ground.

Second child:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

The first young dandelion has grown.

It has a ruddy, golden color,

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Third child:

Got out of the kidneys

The first leaves.

Enjoy the sun

They won’t understand from sleep:

Is this really...
Is it really summer?

No, it's not summer yet
But it’s already spring!

Let's put the magic sun on the flannelgraph.

Children lay out a sun applique on a flannelgraph.


I have magic rays. Dance with the rays and they will help Spring appear.

Children dance with the Sun, a dance with rays to the music of “Flags”, a Latvian folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchwerger. After the dance, the children attach rays to the sun on the flannelgraph and sit down.

Music is playing. Spring Appears (Teacher in Disguise)

Hello guys. I am Red Spring. Oh, how long I slept. Baba Yaga bewitched me. Thank you for helping me wake up and dispelling the evil magic of Baba Yaga. Thank you Sunny, thank you sparrow and bunny.

And I have a magic bag. Guess what's in it?

The bell rings from the bag. Children guess.

You ring, ring the bell,

So that everyone can hear

All the bells have rung,

And then stronger

Even the birds outside the window

It's more fun

Children play bells to the music “Sunshine and Rain” by M. Rauchwerger

Oh, what a wonderful sound

It came from all sides!

I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Everything around was dancing!

Hey guys, come out

Show me your dance!

The dance “We quarreled, we made peace” is performed. T. Vilkoreiskaya

Together the Sun and Spring,

The kids are very happy.

The sun will shine

Spring will bloom.

Spring, the Sun, the sparrow and the bunny say goodbye to the children. Music is playing. The children leave the hall.

"Winnie the Pooh and Piglet visiting the guys"

Prepared by music director of the highest qualification category Glazev T.K.

Goals and objectives:

- maintain interest and love for music, musical responsiveness through

singing, listening and musical dramatization;

- encourage dramatization of song content;

- promote the development of group singing;

- to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature through perception and execution

musical material.


Adults: presenter, Winnie the Pooh, Owl, Piglet, Spring.

Children: Sunny, starling.

Equipment: Oak with an oval window, bear's den, balloon,

A small plastic bucket, flowers, pies, sweets.

(To the music, children run into the hall and form a semicircle.)

Presenter 1. Spring walks through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light.

Today Spring has come to us, and the children are rejoicing.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate people all over the planet.

Spring is coming, spring is coming and we are pleased about it.

Presenter 2. Children, look how kind and gentle the sun is today! It was not in vain that it looked through our window. The sun has invited you and me to a holiday. Do you know what time of year it is now? (Spring!)

Presenter 2. That's right, children, spring.

Children: 1. All the snowstorms have flown away.

The cold has gone.

The sun is shining stronger

There is no snow either. No ice either.

2. Birds sing loudly

Everyone welcomes spring with red.

3. Where are you, sunshine, wake up!

Where are you, little bird, come back!

Winter is tired of pouring snow,

After all, spring has already arrived.

Song "The sun ran."

Presenter 1. The sun does not frown, does not take its eyes off us.

Because the sun likes it here.

(The sun comes in to the music.)

Sun: I am the sun, radiant warmth and light.

I return your smiles and give joy to everyone.

Presenter 1. Thank you dear Sunshine.

Winter has long come to an end, a starling is flying to us for a holiday.

(A starling flies in to the music).

Starling: Spring sent me to you

I promised to visit you.

You should call her

Repeat after me:

“Spring is red, come here!”

(Spring comes out to the music).

Spring: Hello my friends. I'm glad to see you all.

You probably found out - I am a spring beauty!

I know they are waiting for me everywhere, everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people, it’s not for nothing that I am Spring!

Presenter 2. We are very glad to see you Spring in our kindergarten.

The children are looking forward to seeing you and will sing a funny song.

Song "We'll walk through the meadow."

Spring: What a wonderful song! Thanks guys. I liked her very much.

You guys don't get bored and play with me.

A cloud walks across the sky, the wind pushes the cloud.

Thunder rumbles and rain pours, it doesn’t let us walk.

Sunshine, shine brighter sunshine.

Give us the sun's warm rays.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

(a confused Piglet runs into the hall)

Presenter 1. Hello, Piglet! Where are you running?

Piglet: Hello children! Spring has already come to our forest, and the sun is shining brightly.

The holiday has arrived, and Winnie the Pooh is still sleeping!

Presenter 1. Don't worry, Piglet, Winnie the Pooh will wake up soon and you will play together.

Piglet: No, no, if I wait for Winnie the Pooh to wake up, we won’t have time to congratulate wise Aunt Owl on her birthday.

Presenter 1. Ah, that's the thing! Then we understand you. Where does Winnie the Pooh sleep?

Piglet: Yes, this is his den!

Presenter 1. Children, let’s play with the bear and wake him up.

You walk quietly, don’t wake up Mishenka.

Let's go to the den and start stamping our feet!

Game "Wake up the bear."

Winnie the Pooh: Who prevented me from sleeping? Who woke me up?

Presenter 1. Hello, Mishenka.

All the animals have no time for sleep, because spring has long come.

Little Sonya, look, all your friends have come to see you. Piglet: Vinnie, Vinnie, it’s so good that you woke up!

Winnie the Pooh: (sleepily). Bugs don't fly here, worms don't wake up.

I can’t see the butterflies, I’m very upset!

Presenter 1. Winnie the Pooh, don't be upset, our children will now dance the spring dance of insects.

Dance of the Insects.

Winnie the Pooh: Now I believe that spring has come. ( He remembers something and gets scared.)

Wait, Piglet, it’s spring and Auntie Owl’s birthday. We almost forgot to congratulate wise Aunt Owl.

Piglet: What will we give her?

Winnie the Pooh: Now we’ll ask the children. Children, what can you give Aunt Owl for her birthday? (children's answer)

Presenter 2. Vinnie, Spring will give you flowers, and we will read poems and sing songs.

Piglet: But this is not enough.

Winnie the Pooh: Well, then we need to give what we ourselves love. What do I love? I love honey!

Piglet: Where do we get honey from?

Winnie the Pooh: Do you have a ball?

Piglet: Eat. Why do you need a ball?

Winnie the Pooh: There's a beehive on the tree. I'll pretend to be a cloud and the bees won't notice me. And I'll take honey. ( Piglet brings the ball).

Presenter 1. Children, let's play with Mishka. We will now turn into bees and

sting him.

Game "Bees".

Winnie the Pooh: I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, and not a bear at all.

Oh, how nice it is for a cloud to fly across the sky.

(bees are buzzing, children are running after the bear, trying to touch it with their finger)

Oh oh oh! Save! ( climbs into the den)

(children run to the chairs, Piglet runs up to the den.)

Piglet: Vinnie, Vinnie, where are you?

(Winnie the Pooh crawls out of his den)

Winnie the Poo x: I'm here.

Piglet: Vinny, were you bitten?

Winnie the Pooh: Yes, we didn’t have time to bite, but I managed to get just a little honey

(shows a bucket)

Piglet: What should we do?

Presenter 1. Don't be upset, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. This honey is enough for

in order to bake pies.

Winnie the Pooh: Delicious, sweet pies? This is great! Auntie Owl will be happy!

Children: 5. We will bake pies and pies ourselves.

We will give pies to the Owl.

Song "I bake, bake, bake" Presenter 1. Now we can go to the wise Aunt Owl and congratulate her on her birthday.

(Spring with flowers, Winnie the Pooh with pies, Piglet and the children approach the hollow and knock.)

Winnie the Poo x: It's me - Winnie the Pooh. And Piglet, Vesna and the children from the kindergarten came to congratulate you, wise Aunt Owl, on your birthday.

Owl: I'm sleeping. Come at night.

Winnie the Pooh: We can't come at night because all the children sleep at night.

(An owl comes out from behind an oak tree)

Owl: Hello, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, hello children and Spring.

Winnie the Pooh: Auntie Owl, we didn’t know how to congratulate you on your birthday, but the children

They told us and even helped us bake pies. ( gives away pies)

Owl: Hey kids! Well done! Thank you for the pies.

Children: 6. We have prepared gifts

And as befits guests:

Bouquet of spring flowers, bright

Accept Owl from all the guys.

(Spring gives flowers to Aunt Owl).

Owl: On holidays, the legs have a lot of fun; legs like to have fun.

Jump, stomp and gallop, come out and dance!

Dance "Like our guys."

Owl: Thank you guys for your congratulations. Now take my treat!

(The owl treats the children with sweets, and the children leave the hall to the music).

Entertainment scenario “Meeting of Spring”

for children of the second younger group

Program content:

Arouse positive emotions from joint games (musical, active, creative). Cultivate interest in the perceived content. Continue to develop imagination, fantasy and logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, presentations on the theme "Spring". Reading and memorizing poems about spring and the spring months. Games to develop imagination, based on the seasons. Weather monitoring; behind the sky, behind the snow, behind the trees, birds; for natural phenomena characteristic of the onset of spring - icicles, ice drift, thawed patches.

Progress of entertainment:

To the music “The Sun Has Friends”, music. E. Tilicheeva children enter the decorated hall.


The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south.

The sun is warming in the morning.

Coming to visit us...

Children. Spring!

First child.

Why has everything changed?
Why did everything sparkle?

Did you laugh and sing?
Well, tell me, what's the matter?

Second child.

It's so easy to understand -
Spring has come to us again!
We are glad: spring has already arrived!
Nature has awakened from its winter sleep.

Third child.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms.

Birds hover above.

We will sing a sonorous song about spring.

Children sing a song about spring “The sun has friends” by E. Tilicheeva.


Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

They've been dancing since the morning

Children are at the party.

Children perform the round dance “Spring has come to us again” by muses. M. Sidorova .


Let's all go to the spring forest,

Where there are many fabulous miracles,

So follow me, don't lag behind

And walk more cheerfully.

Children follow the teacher around the hall. Playing with words :

This right hand, this left hand
On the right is a quiet clearing,
There is a fast river on the left.
We turned around and now -
Everything has become the other way around!
On the left is a quiet clearing,
On the right is a fast river.
Has she really become right?
My left hand?
We turned around, and behold -
Everything has become the other way around.

Presenter.So we came to the spring forest, to a beautiful clearing. Oh, what beauty it is here!

Breathing exercise “Oh, how it smells!”

Offer to smell what spring smells like: air, grass, first flowers.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly; sniff - a few short breaths, a long exhalation with the word “Ah!”

Presenter. Guys, I think I hear someone's voice. Let's listen.

The bear enters.


Without need and without worry
I slept, slept in my den.
Slept all winter until spring
And I saw colored dreams.
Suddenly I woke up and heard: drops... What a disaster!
He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around!
Then he hurried outside. Floods. No time for sleep!
I got out and saw: puddles!
Snow is melting.
Spring came!

Presenter. Hello, Mishenka! Good afternoon

It's time to wake up - Spring has come!

Bear. Hello, kids! Play with me.

The outdoor game “Bear and the Bees” is played. Nasaulenko.


Don't be angry, Mishenka the Bear.

Spring has come again and brought warmth with it.

The bees have woken up - they will collect honey.

Berries will grow in the forest - you will be full!

And the children will run to the clearing, sing, play, dance -

Enjoy spring!

Bear. Thanks guys for playing with me. Continue along the path. You will learn a lot of interesting things...


The path led us into the forest.

It is full of fabulous wonders.

Listen, there's a noise of birds there,

The birds have returned to us again.

A phonogram of birds sounds. Spring and Winter enter the hall.


Goodbye, Winter, it's time for you to leave.

It’s my turn, I haven’t been there for a whole year.


I won’t let you in, Spring, I’ll howl and whistle,

I’ll call the blizzard to come and I can drive you away.


You shouldn't have gotten angry

You, sister, are wrong

If I hadn't shown up,

The grass wouldn't grow.

The starlings did not come to us,

They did not return to their native land.


What is this really?

You are always arguing with me.

I'm fluffy and white

I'm cute to the kids!

I let them ride

Both on the slide and on the ice,

I wish to stay

I won't leave here.


You're nice, and I'm nicer

I'm lighter and warmer

So that the grains begin to ripen,

I want to warm the earth.

I'm coming to replace you,

I bring fresh greens.

I will dress up all the trees -

In groves, parks and forests.


I'll powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.


People have been waiting for me for a long time

They opened the window for me,

To every city, to every region

I lead a blooming May.


Who started this dispute?

Name two sisters.

Children. Winter and spring.


Children whom you want to leave -

Blizzard winter or warm spring?

Children. Spring.

Winter gets angry and leaves the hall.


Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

I've been in the forest for a long time,

I bring joy and warmth.

Brighter, sunshine, shine!

The grass is growing greener!

Sing us a song, little stream!

Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Presenter. Spring, our children are glad to see you.

You've come

And it brought fun.

The sun is clear, shine

Celebrate our holiday with us!

The dance of streams is performed.

Spring. Well done boys. And now I propose to play with the sunbeam who looked into our hall.

The game "Sunny Bunny" is played.

The bunny looked into his eyes - close them.

Run along the cheeks, neck - stroke them.

The bunny has reached the tummy - pet the tummy.

The sunny bunny loves and caresses you, let's make friends with him. Great, let's smile at each other.

The outdoor game “Spring, Red Spring” is being played

Spring, red spring!

(children walk in a circle holding hands)
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,

(go the other way)
With great mercy:
With tall flax,

(stop, raise their arms up, stand on their toes, inhale)
With deep roots,

(squat, lower arms, exhale)
With abundant bread.

(holding hands, they run in a circle).

Spring. Children, guess my riddle.

Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring

Presenter. When a lot of icicles melt at once on the street, it turns out to be droplets.

Finger gymnastics “Drip-drip-drip rings the drops”

Drip-drip-drip - drops ringing

April has come to us.
(Children drum their fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano.)

Spring. Thank you guys for the dancing and the song.
I found it both fun and interesting.
I congratulate you all on the beginning of spring,
I wish you Sun, Warmth and Light!
Have a treat!

Presenter. Well, here we are on a spring day -

Let's dance and sing too!

Scenario of thematic entertainment “Meeting of Spring” for children of the second junior group





Dolls - Spring and Winter




Progress of the performance

Children run into the hall to the sound of cheerful music. We stood in a semicircle.

Presenter: The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south.

The sun is warming in the morning.

Coming to visit us...

Children. Spring!

1st child: The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms.

2nd child: Birds hover above.

We will sing a sonorous song about spring.

Presenter: Let's sing a song about spring,

Let's invite the red spring to visit.

Children sing the song "Spring"

(sit on chairs)

Presenter . Guys, I think I hear someone’s voices, listen, someone is arguing and even quarreling. Yes, these are two sisters - Winter and Spring - who do not want to give in to each other. Let's hear what they argue about.

At the back of the hall there is a festively decorated screen with dolls appearing on it.

puppet show


Goodbye, Winter, it's time for you to leave.

It’s my turn, I haven’t been there for a whole year.


I won’t let you in, Spring, I’ll howl and whistle,

I’ll call the blizzard to come and I can drive you away.


You shouldn't have gotten angry

You, sister, are wrong

If I hadn't shown up,

The grass wouldn't grow.

The starlings did not come to us,

They did not return to their native land.


What is this really?

You are always arguing with me.

I'm fluffy and white

I'm cute to the kids!

I let them ride

Both on the slide and on the ice,

I wish to stay

I won't leave here.


You're nice, and I'm nicer

I'm lighter and warmer

So that the grains begin to ripen,

I want to warm the earth.

I'm coming to replace you,

I bring fresh greens.

I will dress up all the trees -

In groves, parks and forests.


I'll powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.


People have been waiting for me for a long time

They opened the window for me,

To every city, to every region

I lead a blooming May.


Who started this dispute?

Name two sisters.

Children . Winter and spring.

The dolls bow and disappear behind the screen.


Children whom you want to leave -

Blizzard winter or warm spring?

Children. Spring.

Presenter . Let's call her and tell her funny poems about what happens in the spring.

3 reb . The sky turned bright blue

The sun warmed the earth.

4 reb .Because of the mountains, because of the seas

Flocks of cranes are rushing.

5 reb. Streams in the forest sing,

And the snowdrops are blooming.


Everyone woke up from sleep.

It came to us...

Children. Spring.

Spring comes out from behind the screen in the same outfit as the doll, wearing a sundress and a wreath on her head.


Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

I know they're waiting for me everywhere,

I bring joy to people

I dance and sing.

And you sing your song to me.

Children perform a round dance around Spring “Spring has come to us again”

Spring . I knocked on the window with rain...

Children . Knock, knock, knock.

Spring. A stream in a ditch...

Children . Zhur, zhur, zhur.

Spring . Grass at the door...

Children . Shih, shih, shih.

Spring. A bird on a branch...

Children . Chiv, chiv, chiv.

Presenter . Spring is red, and did you bring the sun for the holiday?


Children love the radiant sun so much.

There is nothing warmer than the sun in the world.

Game "Sun and Rain""(shows the sun on a stick - children are running, rain - they are running away to the chairs)

124---- dance “With Ribbons”

116----dance “For me, for you”

Presenter . And the sun has a friend.

The Cockerel comes out.


The cockerel is coming,

red scallop on one side,

He gets up early himself -

And he doesn’t give it to others.

Presenter . We know a song about you.

Children sing the song “The Sun Has Friends”, music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by E. Karganova.


Rot, rot, rot,

A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs,

Tail with patterns,

Stands under the windows

He screams throughout the yard,

Whoever hears it runs.

Come on, hens and chicks, run out,

Play with our cockerel.

Game "Cockerel and Chicks".

Presenter : stay with us cockerel


The sun warmed up cheerfully.

A stream ran down the mountain.

It's a big, big snowdrift

I slept all winter until spring.

A boy comes out with a blue scarf on his shoulders - Brook.


A trickle, a trickle, a young boy,

Ran to kindergarten

To please the guys.


I am a cheerful Brook,

I'll spill over the meadow -

Can't go anywhere, my friend.

Game "Jump Over the Stream"(on both sides)

Ved: Remain a stream of dreams.


Guys, spring is a wonderful fairy,

Walks through gardens and alleys.

Whatever she touches

He will immediately come to life, wake up!

Let's listen to how the spring forest sings.

Ved : dear spring, our guys have prepared a funny song for you.

124---song "Hamster"

116---song “Tsap-scratch”

Spring: Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you, you are so funny and I want to treat you. (gives the Vedas) Well, I have to go. There are things to do in the forest. Goodbye!

Ved : We guys welcomed spring

They danced and played.

We had fun with spring

And she stayed with us.

You and I will go to a group and treat ourselves to the gifts of spring.

They leave the hall to the music.

Scenario of spring fun for children of the 2nd junior group

Target: Creating a positive emotional environment with the help of musical and physical activity of children.

Tasks: Develop the child’s creative abilities, improve motor abilities, dancing and singing skills, develop emotional responsiveness, and a sense of teamwork.

Attributes: Spring costume. bird costume, bean basket, flowers, ribbons, cubes, bells, Spring house

Decor: The hall is decorated with balloons, spring flowers, and birds.

Progress of entertainment:
Children enter the hall in a stream to the music "Spring"

Come on in, kids.
have fun from the heart.

We sat by the window
Spring has come knocking on us,
The sun bunny flashed
The sun splashed into the puddles.

Where are you, sunshine, wake up,
Where are you, little bird, come back,
Winter is tired of pouring snow,
Drip, drip, drip, spring has come!

On the road, on the road the music calls us
Our group goes to the spring meadow.
We will all walk together.
Let's find out where Spring lives.
(to the music “Spring has come” they walk through the hall and stop at the hut)
Guys, we didn’t even notice how we arrived in the forest. Listen to the birds singing and enjoying the sun
(An audio recording of birds singing sounds.)
Leading: Guys, what kind of hut is this, who lives in it? Let's knock!
Knock-Knock! Maybe spring lives here? She doesn't hear us knocking. Let's
let's sing our song so she can hear and wake up

Song "And in the spring"

(Spring comes out of the hut)

Vesna: Hello guys!
I know they are waiting for me everywhere.
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring.
And with me
Came to visit you
Round and clear
With red rays.
What is this?

Children. Sun!
The sun rose in the morning,
So it's time for us to get up.
The bright sun looks out the window,
It gives sunny bunnies.

Dance with ribbons “Rays”

Presenter: Friendly little people
Get ready for a round dance!
Who is spinning in a round dance?
He will make friends with spring!

“Spring lambada” with cubes

We have been waiting for you, Spring. And our guys have prepared poems for you

1 child:
Spring has come to us again,
Brought light and joy.
The sun has warmed up,
It immediately became warmer.

2nd child:
The streams rang,
The moths have flown
The buds have blossomed
The leaves have appeared.

3rd child:
The sun is shining brightly!
Birds preen their feathers.
The bugs are waking up
butterflies and spiders

4th child:
Spring sunshine,
shine kindly.
Spring song
sound more fun!

Song “Sparrows Tweet” verses 1 and 2

Well done guys. They made me happy. What do I hear? Tweet!(recording)

The sun has warmed up in the spring.
The bird has arrived to visit!
(a bird flies in)

Birdie: Hello guys!
I'm a little bird
I'm a small bird.
I love spring, I love warmth
When it's nice and light.

Leading: Let’s all tell you together and even show you a poem about birds, “I Want to Be a Bird.”

I was walking along the street. (forward movements of the index and middle fingers of both hands, indicating walking).
Jackdaw and raven counted. (Cross your hands in front of you, make smooth movements with your hands indicating the flight of a bird)
One two three four five. (bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
I will count again - (bend the fingers from the little finger)
My mouth is open, I’m looking at the sky (open my mouth, raise my head up)
Right left. I was not there. (head turns)
I wanted to become a bird. (swing your arms up and down, frequently, with your hands tense)
And he began to wave his arms.
Wings up and wings down (smoothly wave your arms high up and down)
You can only hear the wind whistling. (rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands raised up)
I jumped up to take off (raise your arms up, jump, sit down)
But I had to sit down on the ground. (sit down)

Birdie: Guys, I really love bugs and flies. Do you love it?

Ved.: No, we don’t like them. We always chase them away.

Dance “Shoot, Fly”

Look how many puddles there are. Let's jump over them.

Game "Jump over the puddles"

Birdie: Guys, do you know a song or dance about rain?

Host: Of course it's a bird!

Dance with bells “Colorful game”

Leading: Guys, our bird is sad. She's hungry! Let's collect grains for her!

Game “Collect grains for a small bird”

Birdie: Thanks, guys!

Spring: And now
Dance your heart out
Happy dance kids!

Dance "Dance with me, my friend"

We welcomed Spring,
They had fun playing with her.
And now we need to say goodbye
Let's say goodbye together!

Children: Goodbye!

Birdie: Goodbye, guys!
I was glad to be with you!

Well, it's time for me to hurry,
Forest, hillocks to dress up.
(the bird and spring are leaving)

Leading: Well, guys, Spring and the bird have gone home and our walk along the spring lawn is over. We are returning to our group.

Marina Lobacheva

Target: To consolidate children's basic environmental knowledge.

Program content:

Educational objectives: Reinforce the names of trees and flowers with children. To develop knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop the need to communicate with nature.

Educational tasks: To instill in children correct environmental assessments, creating situations that require care, attention, empathy, responsiveness, and compassion.

Musical tasks: In singing, teach children to be able to listen carefully when performing a song, and accurately reproduce it. Develop group singing skill. Develop coordination of movements with music based on dance and figurative movements. Cultivate responsiveness to music of a different nature, a desire to listen to it.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: The stream began to gurgle in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south

The sun is warming in the morning

Came to visit us

Children: Spring

Children: All the snowstorms have died down,

And the frosts don't crack.

Drops dripped from the roofs,

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

The days of March have begun.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

The tit tinks loudly

Near our window...

Soon there will be a knock on our door

Real spring!

Presenter: We sing the song let's sing in the spring

We'll invite you to visit the children.

Song: « Spring came» .

Presenter: They read poems, sang a song, and There is still no red spring. Maybe something happened to her?

Phone call.

Presenter: Hello, hello.

Spring:(by phone) Hello my friends

I was in a hurry to visit you.

But she lingered in the forest.

Hurry up to the forest.

Help me and the forest inhabitants.

Presenter: Well, guys, let's go to the forest?

But who will show us the way?

Who will show the way to the forest?

I came up with an idea, let’s sing a song about the sun, it will definitely help us.

Song: "Sun".

Sun: I am the sun in the sky

I am light and warmth

you called me

And here I come.

How can I help you?

Presenter: Help us, Sunny.

Show us the way to the forest.

Sun: I’ll give you a bunny to help you.

Not an ordinary bunny

Sunny, mischievous.

Presenter: I just want to remind you guys how to behave in forest: Be careful and attentive. Don't scream, don't be naughty, don't scare the animals, don't break branches. We will admire the beauty spring nature and we will return. Fine?

Presenter: Well, guys, are we going to the forest?

Let's hold hands friends

And along the forest path,

Let's go to where the forest is

It attracts with its foliage.

Children follow each other by the hand like a snake, following the sunbeam. The phonogram sounds "The Sound of the Forest".

Presenter: We came to the green forest,

The sun looks from the sky,

Oh, who is this?

Enter the old man - the forest boy

Old man - forest boy: I'm an angry man

Old forest man.

I live in my forest,

I protect the grass here,

All the trees and bushes

I take care of leaves and flowers.

Every bird and animal

I help as much as I can

Why did you come here?

What did you bring with you?

If you came with good,

I'll reward you all later.

Now come to me

Tell me what your name is.

Presenter: We came look for spring. Grandfather, have you seen her?

Old man - forest boy: As I saw, there are footprints all over the forest springs are visible.

Presenter: Help us meet her.

Old man - forest boy: I will help if you solve all my riddles.

Presenter: Well, guys, let’s guess the riddles of the Old Man - the Forester.

Old man - forest boy: There are the main inhabitants of my kingdom,

What do we call these residents?

Children: Trees.

Old man - forest boy: Dear guests, do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: Don’t make noise, don’t break trees, don’t litter.

Old man - forest boy: Well done right. Well, guess again puzzles:

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman?

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress.


Old man - forest boy: Well, well done, you solved the riddles. What is happening in my forest, is it a mess? Look, spring I didn’t have time to dress all the trees, what should I do?

Presenter: The old man is a forest boy, and the guys and I are with you we'll help you in the spring, really guys.

Didactic game "Dress the Tree" (determine which tree the leaves come from)

Old man forester: Well done guys, they dressed it correctly, these are the beautiful trees they have become.

Presenter: Oh, we also know a song about a birch tree.

Round dance "Berezka".

Presenter: Oh, listen, who is that crying?

A little hare, a little bear, and a little squirrel come out.

Old man - forest boy: And who are you?

He's furry, he's big,

He sleeps in a den in winter,

In summer he chews berries,

Takes wild honey from bees,

It can roar menacingly,

Clubfoot beast (bear)

Red, fluffy

Lives on a Christmas tree

With strong teeth

He gnaws nuts. (squirrel)

Long ears

Fast paws,

Gray, but not a mouse.

Who is this?. (bunny)

Old man - forest boy: Animals, what happened?

Teddy Bear: We lost our mothers, and we want to eat.

Old man - forest boy: I have treats for the animals, but who can help me find out which of the animals likes to eat what?

Didactic game: "Treat the Animals".

Teddy Bear: Thank you, we have eaten, and now I want to play.

Outdoor game "By the Bear in the Forest".

Little squirrel: (crying) Where's my mom? Do I want to see my mother?

Presenter: How can we help the animals?

Old man - forest boy: I have photographs of adult animals, who can find the right mother.

Didactic game: "Find Mom".

Presenter: Animals, and you we haven't seen spring?

Teddy Bear: They met me spring has awakened, I slept in a den for six months and sucked my paw, and spring You woke me up and now I’m full of how much you’ve given me.

little hare: And I welcomed spring, she changed my fur coat, my fur coat was white, but now it’s gray.

Old man - forest boy: Well, let's go, I see that you also know a lot about forest animals. Now come with me to the magic clearing.

They follow the Old Forest Man between the trees.

Old man - forest boy: Here we come to the clearing. Look how beautiful it is here.

You need to sit down carefully

So as not to hurt the flowers.

Do you know the names of these flowers? (Chamomile, dandelion, bluebell, snowdrop)

Old man - forest boy: Right. Now let's play a game.

Didactic game: "What changed?"

Old man - forest boy: Well done, now I see that you are real friends of the forest. A still no spring. Let's call her.

Children: Spring is red.

Included Spring.

Spring: Hello my friends,

Here I am, Spring is red.

I was in a hurry to see you.

How long have you been looking for me?

Old man - forest boy: Yes, spring The guys and I looked for you for a long time, and on the way the guys showed me their knowledge about forest inhabitants.

Spring: Well done boys.

You are friends with nature.

Treasure your friendship with the forest.

Oh, what a wonderful sound

It came from all sides!

I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Everything around was dancing!

Hey guys come out

Show me your dance!

Pair dance.

Spring: You greeted me kindly.

They greeted us with song and dance

I will give everyone a gift,

I won't deprive anyone.

Treats children.

Spring: The time has come to part.

It's time for me to go.

Goodbye kids.

Presenter: We walked for a long time, everyone was very happy,

But it's time for us to return to kindergarten for lunch.

We thank the forest for all the gifts

It will be a fine day to meet him again.