How to develop a department regulation. Regulations on the organization Regulations on the department for core activities

The regulation on a department (service) of an enterprise (organization) is a document regulating the activities of each department, which reflects its internal organization (structure) and the place of the department (service), its role in the system (organizational structure of the enterprise) of the enterprise. Based on the Regulations on the department (service) of the enterprise, its activities are organized, the results of the activities are assessed, and the staffing schedule for this department (service), job descriptions, etc. are drawn up.
The regulations on the department (service) are developed by the head of the department (service). This takes into account the specifics of a given enterprise, the peculiarities of labor organization and management at a given enterprise, the content and functions performed by the department (service).
The regulations on any department (service) must consist of the following sections:
- general provisions - which indicates the exact name of the department (service), its place in the organizational structure of the enterprise, in whose direct subordination this department (service) is located, who manages the department (service), as well as a list of the main regulatory and instructional materials that the department (the service) must be guided in its activities;
- main tasks - this section should contain the formulation of the main tasks (areas of activity) of the department (service);
- structure and staff - which sets out the internal structure of the department (service), a list of internal divisions included in the department (service), and the procedure for distributing responsibilities between departments and employees of the department (service);
- functions - must contain a comprehensive description of the activities of this department (service) and the degree of independence of the department (service) in resolving certain issues;
- relationships with other departments - which defines the relationships between departments (services) of the enterprise in the course of activities, mutual responsibilities, reflects the characteristics of incoming and outgoing documentation (planning, reporting, analytical, etc.), the timing and procedure for the submission and execution of such documentation;
- responsibilities - indicates a list of responsibilities of the department (service), its employees, which they must perform to achieve the tasks defined for this structure;
- rights - must contain a list of rights granted to the head and employees of the department (service), which are necessary for them to implement the functions assigned to the department (service);
- responsibility - this section reflects the characteristics of the main positions for which the head of the department (service) and employees are responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department (service), for the accuracy of the data specified in the documentation prepared by the department (service), for the state of labor discipline and etc.
The regulations on the department (service) of the enterprise must be agreed upon with the heads of those departments (services) with which this department (service) interacts, the legal service (legal adviser) and then submitted for approval to the head of the enterprise. The basis for making changes to the regulations on a department (service) of an enterprise is an order from the head of the enterprise.
After approval, one copy of the Regulations on the department (service) is kept by the head of the department (service), and the second - in the personnel department (personnel management service).
In large organizations, a special structural unit - an archive - can be created for centralized storage of documents. Its activities are regulated by the organization’s archive regulations, which may look like this.



1. General Provisions

1.2. Documents of the Enterprise that have historical, scientific, social, economic and political significance constitute the state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, are the property of the state and are subject to permanent storage in the state archives of the Russian Federation. Before being transferred to state storage, these documents are temporarily stored at the Enterprise.

1.3. For loss and damage to documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, the Enterprise is responsible in accordance with current legislation.

1.4. At the Enterprise, an archive is created for storing documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and documents for practical purposes completed by paperwork, their selection, accounting, use and preparation for transfer to state storage.

1.5. In its work, the archive of the Enterprise is guided by the regulations on the department (department, group) of documentation support, orders, instructions, the Standard Instructions for office work and the work of the archive of the Enterprise and these regulations.

1.6. The Enterprise Archive works according to plans approved by the head of the documentation support department (department), and reports to him in its work.

2. Composition of archive documents

The archive receives:

Documents completed by paperwork for permanent storage, generated in the activities of departments and other structural divisions of the Enterprise, documents with a temporary (over 10 years) storage period, necessary in practical activities; personnel documents;

Official and departmental publications;

Scientific reference apparatus (SRA) for archive documents, which includes reference books on accounting and maintenance of the fund, created in the records management and archive of the Enterprise. The main part of the NSA are archival reference books on the composition and content of documents: case inventories, card indexes, indexes (if the case inventories are complex in structure and content, then indexes are compiled for them. Indexes can be thematic, nominal, geographical, chronological, etc. Concepts included in the indexes, must have links to the corresponding case numbers), historical information (they contain information about the creator of the archive, about the archive itself and the characteristics of the documents stored in the archive). These archival reference books are supplemented by information letters, certificates on the composition and content of documents, etc.

3. Tasks and functions of the archive

3.1. The main objectives of the archive are:

Completion of documents, the composition of which is provided for in Section 2 of these regulations;

Accounting, ensuring safety, creating reference documents, using documents stored in the archive;

Preparation and timely transfer of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation for state storage;

Exercising control over the formation and registration of cases in the records management of the Enterprise.

3.2. In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the archive performs the following functions:

Accepts (no later than 3 years after completion of office work), records and stores documents of departments and other structural units of the Enterprise;

Develops and coordinates with the relevant state archive schedules for submitting inventories for consideration by the expert verification commission (EPC) of the state archive and transferring documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation for state storage;

Compiles and submits (no later than 2 years after completion of office work) annual sections of inventories of permanent storage and personnel records for consideration by the Expert Commission (EC) of the Enterprise;

Keeps records and ensures complete safety of cases accepted for storage;

Creates, replenishes, improves the reference document for files and documents stored in the archive; ensures its continuity with the NSA of the corresponding state archive;

Organizes the use of documents (informs the management and employees of the Enterprise about the composition and content of archive documents; issues files, documents or copies of documents, archival certificates in the prescribed manner, fulfills requests from organizations, applications from citizens regarding the establishment of seniority and other issues of a socio-legal nature);

Keeps records of the use of documents stored in the archive;

Conducts an examination of the value of documents stored in the archive;

Participates in the work of the Enterprise's EC;

Monitors the correctness of the formation and registration of cases in office work, as well as the preparation of cases for transfer to the archive;

Participates in activities to improve the qualifications of employees of the Enterprise's office management service;

Annually submits to the relevant state archive information on the composition and volume of documents in the prescribed form;

Prepares and, in accordance with the established procedure, transfers for storage to the appropriate state archive documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation.

4. Archive rights

To perform the assigned tasks and functions, the archive has the right:

Monitor the implementation of established rules for working with documents in departments and other structural units of the Enterprise;

Request from departments and other structural units information necessary for the operation of the archive, taking into account ensuring the fulfillment of all tasks and functions assigned to the archive.

5. Responsibility

The archive is responsible for:

Preservation of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation;

Correctness of documentation;

Timely transfer of documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation to state storage.

Head archive Signature M. S. Tatishchev

“Handbook for personnel officers” (practical recommendations edited by G. Yu. Kasyanova).

It is impersonal in nature and is announced to the employee against receipt when concluding an employment contract, moving to another position, as well as during temporary performance of duties at the position. As for the Regulations on the department, in this case it would also be advisable to develop it by the HR department together with the head of the structural unit, while coordinating it with the legal department (legal consultant) of the organization. Thus, the legislation does not contain specific requirements when developing regulations on departments and job descriptions. However, based on practice, we can conclude that, as a rule, regulations on departments and job descriptions of employees of this department are developed by the personnel department together with the head of the structural unit.

Regulations as an organizational and legal document

  • Legal support for the activities of the enterprise, legal protection of its rights and interests;
  • Effective use of legal instruments to strengthen the financial position of the enterprise, increase labor productivity and improve the economic performance of its work.
  • Help The list of tasks specified in the regulations on the labor protection department may include, for example, the following:
  1. Ensuring safety and labor protection at the enterprise;
  2. Monitoring compliance with labor protection requirements and standards established at the state and industry level;
  3. Prevention and prevention of violations of labor protection requirements;

Why draw up regulations on the department?

  • preparation of production (receipt and preparation of project documentation, obtaining permits for work, etc.);
  • timely preparation and issuance of working documentation;
  • implementation of technical and technological supervision of production processes.

The functionality described in the regulations on the sales department can include:

  • analysis, forecast and preparation of sales plans;
  • participation in marketing research and development of pricing policy;
  • control of inventory stored in the warehouse.

The “Rights of the Head” section of the department regulations contains a list of powers that are vested in the head of the department so that he can effectively perform his duties and ensure the effective functioning of the department entrusted to him.

How to develop a department regulation

Sections “Rights and Responsibilities”, “Responsibility” define the rights and obligations of personnel in connection with the functions assigned to them, establish the responsibility of the head of a structural unit for the work of the HR department and the responsibility of the employees of the unit in accordance with their job descriptions. Regulations on the structural unit after agreement with a lawyer, together with other officials, is approved by the head of the organization. Regulations on structural divisions Regulations on structural divisions are not a mandatory document in accordance with labor legislation, however, it is they that establish the distribution of “roles” between divisions and employees within one organization. Requirements for the content of the Regulations may be determined by internal documents of the organization (for example, an enterprise standard).

Who is responsible for developing department regulations and job descriptions?

The section “Unit functions and distribution of responsibilities” reflects: the main actions or types of work that the unit performs to solve the main tasks assigned to it; distribution of functions (responsibilities) and responsibilities between employees of the unit; job responsibilities, personal rights and responsibilities of the head of the unit in accordance with current legislation (if necessary). Functions are set out in order of importance or priority of execution. The regulations on units, as a rule, indicate that the responsibilities of unit employees are established by job descriptions. 3.7.

Development of regulations on structural divisions


The regulations on the HR department can be approved in 2 ways: by issuing an administrative document or by an official. Both methods have the same legal force. An administrative act is issued, as a rule, in the case when the introduction of the approved Regulations on the HR Department requires additional instructions and clarifications, and other actions related to its application (clause



Instructions No. 4). 7.3. Entry into force. The regulation on the personnel department, subject to approval, acquires legal force only from the moment of its approval. Step 8. Approval and registration. The regulation on the personnel service is a document that must be approved by the head of the organization, and therefore it must bear the stamp of approval.

This is quite enough; no additional orders need to be issued to give the document legal force.
In any organization, be it a budgetary or commercial structure, the question of delineating responsibilities not only between employees, but also between structural units often arises. The regulations on the department answer the question of why this division was formed in the company, what its goals, objectives, and rights are.
This allows you to streamline the work of the entire enterprise, resolve disagreements, and determine responsibility. About the regulations For what purpose are regulations created on the departments of an enterprise? The main objective of this document is to most fully describe the place of the department (service, sector) in the company, as well as its composition, status and procedure for interaction with external and internal contractors.
Thanks to a clearly stated description of goals, employees understand the enterprise strategy and the contribution of their structural unit to overall achievements much better.

On what basis are the regulations on the department approved?

Dear colleagues, The Regulations on the Human Resources Department (HR Service) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the HR Department) is perhaps the most important document in our work. After all, this document regulates the relationship of your department with other structural units of the organization, contains the tasks, rights, duties and responsibilities of HR employees.


Now we will compose it together, following the algorithm below. Please note that using the principles given in this algorithm, you can create a regulation for any structural unit, which means you can help your colleagues - heads of departments - cope with this task.

A very important local regulatory legal document, along with the job description, is the regulation on the structural unit.

On what basis is the regulation on the HR department approved?

  • Themes:
  • Office work
  • HR records management

The regulation on the department is a local regulatory act that establishes the status and functionality of the internal structural unit of the organization. These documents also define areas of responsibility, which makes it easier to address management decisions and monitor their implementation.
From the article you will learn:

  • what type of documents does the department regulation refer to;
  • who is developing the regulations for the department;
  • how to develop a department regulation;
  • how to approve the regulations of the department.

Type of internal organizational and administrative documentation - regulations on the department The structure of any organization includes separate divisions, the functions of which include the management of individual areas and types of activities.

On what basis is the regulation on separation approved?

Sections of the job description Regardless of the method of execution, the job description, as a rule, consists of the following sections: Section “General Provisions” In the section “General Provisions”, indicate:

  • the title of the position in strict accordance with the staffing table;
  • requirements for employee qualifications;
  • direct subordination (for example, an accountant reports directly to the chief accountant);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • presence and composition of subordinates;
  • replacement procedure (who replaces the employee during his absence and who he can replace);
  • a list of documents that an employee must follow in his activities.

On what basis is the regulation on the department drawn up?

  • Structure and staffing levels;
  • Subordination of the department in the hierarchy of the entire enterprise;
  • Scheme of interaction with other structural divisions of the organization.
  • In the “General Provisions” section you need to reflect:
  • full name of this structural unit;
  • details of the document on the basis of which the department was created and operates;
  • the procedure for creating and liquidating a unit;
  • legal and administrative place of the unit in the hierarchical structure of the enterprise;
  • a list of documents that the manager and employees must follow in their activities;
  • the procedure for appointing and removing a manager from a position.

A sample regulation on the HR department (fragment) is presented below.
But in this case, the enterprise must first develop and approve guidelines. They should establish uniform rules and requirements, in accordance with which divisions will be able to draw up and formalize their regulations on departments. In this case, it will be possible to ensure uniformity of all such local regulations. However, when describing subordination departments in the regulations, defining horizontal and vertical connections and areas of responsibility, coordinated work with the involvement of representatives of other departments will still be required.
Therefore, as a rule, general guidance in the development of such regulations is carried out by the head of the enterprise or his deputy, who is in charge of administrative issues.

Standard template for a regulation on a structural unit

Standard template for a regulation on a structural unit

Requirements for the content of provisions can be determined by internal documents of the organization (for example, an enterprise standard). If the company does not have such documents, then when developing the regulations, you can use a standard template for the regulations on the structural unit (see Table 1).

In any case, when developing a regulation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it must indicate:

Place in the structure of the organization (independent unit or part of a department, management, etc.),
- what documents does it follow in its activities (federal laws, Charter, other documents of the enterprise),
- division structure,
- direct head of the department,
- main tasks of the unit,
- functions, rights, responsibilities of the unit.

The position is endorsed by the head of the unit and approved by the head of the organization.

Example 1

Let's consider the stages of developing a regulation on a structural unit using the example of developing a regulation on the personnel service (see Example 2).

The Regulations on the HR Service regulate the order of construction and functioning of the company's HR management system. The HR Service Regulations establish:

The status of the HR department in the hierarchical structure of the company;
- goals and objectives of the personnel service;
- functions of the company's personnel service;
- relationships between the HR department and other departments of the company;
- rights and responsibilities of HR employees.

Stages of development of the Regulations on Personnel Service

1. First of all, it is necessary to study standard and exemplary provisions, as well as previously existing organizational and legal documents. It is especially useful to study standard samples for those specialists who work in newly created companies that do not have previously valid documents and have nothing to rely on in their work. 2. You should also study the organizational and administrative documentation of the company: constituent documents, staffing, etc. The purpose of this stage is to determine the place of the personnel service in the company, areas of responsibility and authority. 3. Drawing up a draft Regulation, determining its structure and content of sections (see Table 2). Table 1

4. Discussion with the company management of the draft Regulations.

The purpose of this stage is to clarify management’s opinion regarding the document being developed, its purpose and fundamental provisions. The most important condition for the development of a company's HR service is the position of top management, since it is impossible to count on success if top management does not consider the problem of people management to be one of the company's key priorities. The heads of leading structural divisions also need to be involved in the discussion.

Often in companies there is a situation where middle managers do not understand the range of tasks and functions of the HR service, since they see it only as a department whose main task is to conduct HR records. Therefore, their participation in discussing the content of the Regulations on the Personnel Service will help change existing stereotypes and perceptions.

5. Coordination and signing of the document.

The regulations must contain approval visas from the heads of structural units who took part in the discussion of the document at the stage of its development. The regulation is signed by the head of the HR department and approved by the head of the company. Personnel department employees must be familiar with the Regulations against signature.

The regulation on the department is a local regulatory act that establishes the status and functionality of the internal structural unit of the organization. These documents also define areas of responsibility, which makes it easier to address management decisions and monitor their implementation.

From the article you will learn:

Type of internal organizational and administrative documentation - regulations on the department

The structure of any organization includes separate units whose functions include managing individual areas and types of activities. For each such structural unit (department), the enterprise management sets its own tasks and determines its area of ​​responsibility. But all these departments that make up the organization are interconnected and are part of a single management and production mechanism. The activities of each of these structural divisions are regulated local regulations- regulations on the department.

Such internal organizational and administrative documents are developed for all structural divisions of the enterprise, including departments, working groups, services, laboratories, and bureaus. The regulations on the department determine:

  • the procedure for forming a unit;
  • legal and administrative status in the general hierarchy of the enterprise;
  • the goals and objectives facing him;
  • functional;
  • horizontal and vertical relationships with other structural divisions;
  • area of ​​responsibility of both the unit as a whole and its leader.

Developing a department regulation allows you to specify the functionality and tasks performed by the department. As a result, the approval of such allows you to evenly distribute functions between departments and eliminate their duplication.

This benefits everyone. Performers - the head and employees of each department receive a clear understanding of the tasks and functions of the department, its areas of responsibility. The management of the enterprise, in turn, gets the opportunity to specifically address management decisions and control their implementation.

Note! The more detailed the functions and tasks of the department are spelled out in the regulations, the more optimal the distribution of management’s instructions will be and the more efficient the work of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Who is developing the regulations for the department?

  1. Organization of primary accounting and financial accounting of the economic activities of the enterprise;
  2. Ensuring the economic activities of the enterprise;
  3. Monitoring the safety of property, cash and other material assets, their optimal use, and compliance with the economy regime.

In the regulations on the legal department in the “Tasks” section there will be the following items:

  1. Legal support for the activities of the enterprise, legal protection of its rights and interests;
  2. Effective use of legal instruments to strengthen the financial position of the enterprise, increase labor productivity and improve the economic performance of its work.

The list of tasks specified in the regulations on the labor protection department may include, for example, the following:

  1. Ensuring safety and labor protection at the enterprise;
  2. Monitoring compliance with labor protection requirements and standards established at the state and industry level;
  3. Prevention and prevention of violations of labor protection requirements;
  • organizes office work at the enterprise;
  • introduces new technologies for working with documents;
  • ensures control of timely execution of documents.

When developing regulations on the information technology department, the “Functions” section will need to include:

  • studying the production, administrative and organizational activities of the enterprise in order to determine the ways and possibilities process automation;
  • participation in the development of technical specifications for the creation of automated control systems;
  • implementation of automated control systems, employee training, participation in operation and maintenance.

The types of work that employees of the department will have to perform, described in the regulations on the production and technical department, include, for example:

  • preparation of production (receipt and preparation of project documentation, obtaining permits for work, etc.);
  • timely preparation and issuance of working documentation;
  • implementation of technical and technological supervision of production processes.

The functionality described in the regulations on the sales department can include:

  • analysis, forecast and preparation of sales plans;
  • participation in marketing research and development of pricing policy;
  • control of inventory stored in the warehouse.

Section "Manager's Rights" The regulations on the department contain a list of powers vested in head of department so that he can effectively perform his duties and ensure the effective functioning of the department entrusted to him.

In the “Responsibility” section, it is necessary to stipulate all types of disciplinary, administrative and other responsibilities that are assigned to the head of the department when performing his job duties in accordance with job description or an employment contract.

How to approve the regulations of the department

After the department has developed a draft regulation on the department, the document will need to be agreed upon with those departments with which it has established interaction. In addition, personnel, personnel, and legal services should be familiar with the project.

This is necessary to eliminate inaccuracies in wording and avoid duplication of functions. Lawyers, in addition, will check the regulations on the department and for compliance with the norms of current laws. Standard control of the situation can also be carried out by the service office work. This also needs to be checked because the lack of mandatory details may invalidate the document. An order approving the regulations of the department is issued only after all approval visas have been received.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The _____________________ department is an independent structural division of the company.

1.2. The ____________________ department is formed by order of the director (decision of the founder) of the company.

1.3. The ___________________ department is liquidated by order of the director (decision of the founder) of the company.

1.4. The ______________________ department is headed by ________________________________, who is appointed by the director of the company and reports directly to the director of the company.

1.5. Employees of the _________________ department are appointed by ______________ upon the recommendation of __________________________.

1.6. Department __________________________ in its activities is guided by:

Current legislative and regulatory acts;

Charter of the organization;

This provision;


1.7. During the absence of department employees (business trip, illness, vacation, etc.), their duties are performed by persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquire the corresponding rights and obligations and are responsible for the improper performance of their duties.

1.9. Basic concepts used in this provision:

2. Department structure

2.1. The structure and number of department _________________________ is determined by the director of the company by order upon agreement (submission) of ________________________________.

2.2. Department ______________________________ includes the following structural divisions:

At the same time, the structural unit _____________________________________ includes employees holding positions ________________________________, and the structural unit _____________________________________ includes employees holding positions ________________________________________________.

2.3. The distribution of responsibilities of department employees and approval of their job descriptions is carried out by _______________________________ in agreement with the director of the company, ___________________________.

3. Tasks and functions of the department __________________________

3.1. Department tasks:

3.2. Department functions:

4. Department rights ______________________:

4.1. Provide employees of the department(s) ___________________ with instructions on issues within the competence of the department ________________________, in accordance with their job descriptions.

4.2. Participate in company meetings, including on issues within the competence of the department.

4.3. Request from other structural divisions of the company information, documents and materials related to the activities of the department and necessary for the proper performance of its functions.

4.4. Conduct correspondence with state and local authorities, with other structural divisions of the company and with other companies on issues within the competence of the department and not requiring approval from the company management.

4.5. Represent on behalf of the company in relations with state authorities and local governments, with other companies on issues within the competence of the department and not requiring approval from the company management.

4.6. Get acquainted with draft management decisions regarding the work of the department.

4.7. Endorsement of the following documents developed by the company:

4.8. Submit proposals for improving the work of the department, ideas on the application of incentives and penalties to department employees for consideration by management.

4.9. _____________________________________________________.

5. Relationships with company departments

To implement the assigned tasks and perform the functions, the ______________________ department interacts with the structural divisions of the company on the following issues:

5.1. With a structural unit (division, sector, management, department) __________________ - on issues:

5.2. With a structural unit (division, sector, management, department) __________________ - on issues:

Receipts ___________________________________,

Providing ______________________________,


5.3. From __________________________ - for questions:

(Job title)

Receipts ___________________________________,

Providing ______________________________,


5.4. From __________________________ - for questions:

(Job title)

Receipts ___________________________________,

Providing ______________________________,


6. Responsibility

6.1. Responsibility for improper performance of the duties of the ____________________ department lies with the head (chief specialist) of the department.

6.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

6.3. The head (chief specialist) of the department ___________________________, as well as the employees of this department, are responsible for:

Providing management and structural divisions of the company with inaccurate information about the work of the department and within the competence of the department,

Providing state authorities, local governments, and other companies with false information about the work of the department and company and information within the competence of the department,

Unfair performance of official duties,

Violation of production and labor discipline,

Failure to comply with the Charter, local regulations of the company and job descriptions,

Failure to ensure the safety of property entrusted to the _________________________ department,

- ______________________________________________________________.

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