Statistics of business closures per year. There are more small businesses in Russia. Data for Russia

Business statistics make it possible to identify the most profitable industries and determine which area needs development more than others. Such information makes it possible to understand where and with whom to work and what specialty is best to obtain in order to be successful and wealthy.

Statistics by country

World business statistics allow us to compile a ranking of countries that have created the most favorable conditions for entrepreneurship. Data presented in table:

A country

Place in the world

By the number of registered enterprises For lendingFor international trade By the number of liquidated enterprises
New Zealand1 1 1 55 34
Singapore2 6 20 41 29
Denmark3 24 32 1 8
Hong Kong4 3 20 42 28
South Korea5 11 44 32 4
Norway6 21 75 22 6
Great Britain7 16 20 28 13
USA8 51 2 35 5
Sweden9 15 75 18 19
Macedonia10 4 16 27 32
Estonia12 14 32 17 42
Latvia14 22 7 25 44
Georgia16 8 7 54 106
Germany17 114 32 38 3
Lithuania21 29 32 19 66
Canada22 2 7 46 15
Kazakhstan35 45 75 119 37
Belarus37 31 101 30 69
Armenia38 9 20 48 78
Russia40 26 44 140 51
Azerbaijan65 5 118 83 86
Kyrgyzstan75 30 32 79 130
Ukraine80 20 20 115 150
Uzbekistan87 25 44 165 77
Tajikistan128 85 118 144 144

Small business indicators in the world

Business statistics suggest that small businesses make a major contribution to the state's economy. Especially in leading countries. Small businesses in the world, according to statistics, are capable of providing significant income, many jobs, and growth.

In the USA, ½ of the working-age population works at small business enterprises. There are over 20 million of them registered in America. Analytics shows that every third family in the United States is involved in business. More than 40% of GDP comes from small business enterprises.

Developed countries provide great support to small businesses and receive good returns from them in the form of development of innovation and employment of the country.

Statistics from the Association of European Businesses show that small business enterprises in EU countries are developing very quickly. Small business abroad is at a higher level than in Russia. It is one of the components of economic development. Small businesses in Europe, according to statistics, make up from 70% to 90% of all enterprises. More than half of the population of the EU country works in this field.

According to statistics, small businesses are developing most actively in Germany. The contribution of small business enterprises to the country's economy is almost ½ of the total. More than ½ of the working-age population is provided with jobs through small businesses. SBEs make up 99% of all enterprises in the country. Many of them have entered the world market. More than 1 thousand small businesses in Germany have become world leaders.

Data for Russia

Business statistics in Russia over the past 10 years show the closure of more small business enterprises than were opened. In our country, only 4% of enterprises exist for more than 3 years. The rest die much earlier. Many close in their first year of operation. Less than 20% of total GDP comes from small businesses in Russia. Statistics confirm these figures. Here, unlike Europe and the USA, they do not provide adequate support to small business enterprises.

Business statistics in Russia show that over 5 years the number of enterprises has increased by an average of 4%. The number of closed business entities increased by 11%.

What are the statistics on starting a business according to Rosstat for 2016–2017? There were 3.5 million registered entrepreneurs in our country. However, more than 7 million ceased operations. Business closure statistics are simply scary.

Statistics of business incubators in Russia highlight the main reasons why business activities cease. The data is shown in the diagram:

Below is a graph showing how the small business in Russia according to statistics from 2005 to 2015:

Business development statistics indicate a negative trend in our country. This happens for a number of reasons. Main business problems according to statistics:

  • high prices for raw materials;
  • complex and frequently changing legislation;
  • unstable ruble exchange rate;
  • high lending rates in banks;
  • in business;
  • high taxes;
  • large contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • . in business centers it is stated that such incidents often lead to the closure of enterprises due to lack of money for restoration;
  • sanctions from other countries;
  • crisis, which has reduced the demand for services and .

Business lending statistics indicate that in 2016, 24% more were issued than in 2015. New economic conditions are forcing entrepreneurs to contact banks more often. In 2016, banks issued more than 4 trillion. rub. for lending to small and medium-sized businesses. Most often, entrepreneurs take out loans in. The diagram shows business statistics by area for 2013–2014:

As you can see, in Russia there are most of all enterprises that deal with... Their income for 2014 amounted to 15 trillion. rub. The second place goes to companies involved in real estate. Their income amounted to about 3 trillion. rub. The volume of capital of organizations providing medical and social services is 194.36 billion rubles. The diagram shows the number of individual entrepreneurs by:

Small businesses demonstrate the lowest performance in Crimea.

Ukraine, Belarus and Abkhazia

What are the business statistics in Ukraine? This area is far from being at a high level today. The total amount of tax revenues from business in 2013 amounted to 260 billion hryvnia. According to statistics, not a very large percentage falls on large businesses. Large enterprises are not the main taxpayers. Since there are not very many of them in the country. The largest tax revenues, according to statistics, come from small businesses. The IBA's share accounts for more than 200 billion hryvnia.

Statistics show small and medium-sized businesses in first place in terms of the number of jobs. More than 70% of the population works in small enterprises. Medium and small ones sell more products than large ones. Statistics on small business support show that a lot has been done in the country since 2015. The period for registering enterprises has been reduced. Now the procedure takes only 2 days. About 40% of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur were canceled.

Small business in Belarus, according to statistics, is developing very slowly. The Republic of Belarus lags far behind other countries. In 2003, the number of small business enterprises was 2.5 per 1000 population. In 2010, the figure increased to 7.2. In 2011, there were only 72 thousand small enterprises in the country. In recent years, the number of small businesses has increased by 13%.

Statistics on business contributions show that in Belarus small businesses make a small contribution to the country's economy. Of the working-age population, only 13% are employed in business. In developed countries this figure sometimes reaches 70%. Entrepreneurial activity still remains unattractive for the country's population.

What are the statistics of venture business in the Republic of Belarus? This area is practically undeveloped. The main reasons are that investment is not developed in the Republic, there are no new technologies, there are few enterprising people and the market is very small.

Business statistics in Abkhazia indicate that the most developed industries here are trade and

Indicators by industry

Business statistics state that the success of an enterprise largely depends on the industry in which it operates. There are the most and least popular areas of activity. Russia is going through hard times restaurant business. Statistics state that 1.5% of establishments were closed last year alone. According to forecasts, in 2017 the figures will increase to 20%. Due to the crisis, Russians prefer to save money and visit restaurants and other similar establishments less often.

Hotel business statistics show stable demand for such services. Over the past 15 years, the number of hotels has increased by 63%. The situation is worse with rest homes and sanatoriums. Most of these establishments have undergone reconstruction and renovation.

According to statistics, the entertainment business is in demand even in times of crisis. The chart shows which parts of the entertainment industry are the most and least popular:

Network business statistics indicate that this area attracts a huge number of potential employees and buyers. The annual increase in company profits is 20–30%. The number of people working in this area is more than 100 million people.

In America, 20% of millionaires made their fortune from online business. According to experts, network marketing will account for 70% of all businesses in the future.

The most successful industries and companies

Profitable business statistics demonstrate that there are goods and services that are in demand even in times of crisis. These are clothing, shoes, food, medicines, car and household appliance repairs. Statistics on profitable businesses were published in. The rating is as follows:

  • private auditors;
  • chiropractors;
  • specialized clinics;
  • accounting services;
  • private dentists;
  • tax calculations;
  • orthodontists;
  • lawyers;
  • small lending;
  • private managers.

Statistics of successful businesses state that individuals and companies that provide such services receive the largest net profit. And even times of crisis do not affect their income in any way.

According to statistics, business sharks include: billionaire Michel Ferrero. His company is one of the largest chocolate producers in Europe. In second place is Brad Hughes. His automated lockers along highways have generated a fortune of $5 billion. Third place goes to Ralph Lauren. He made his billions by producing horse polo shirts. Jeff Bizos is in fourth place in the ranking. He is the owner of the world's largest online store. Fifth place belongs to Ty Warner. He made billions by producing teddy bears.


As business statistics show, Russia lags far behind Western countries. But if the government takes certain steps and agrees to meet individual entrepreneurs, then there will be much more enterprises, which will have a beneficial effect on the country’s economy.

The crisis is changing consumer guidelines and the general psychological situation in society: everyone is trying to minimize their future risks, albeit at the cost of increasing current costs. Based on these guidelines, the most profitable business in Russia today is the one that will allow Russians to save money either now or in the future. In any case, when starting out, a competent business plan will provide invaluable assistance, options for which you can find and, if desired, buy in our catalog.

What is a profitable business

Despite the fact that each line of business has its own indicators for assessing profitability, you can initially determine the prospects for the effectiveness of planned investments in the business by conducting a simple analysis in three areas:

  • statistics of consumer demand in the market over the past few years;
  • the need for large financial investments in organizing a business;
  • investment attractiveness of projects of this kind for banks.

The collected data will make it possible to determine the volume of initial costs, volumes of products to enter the market and the reality of obtaining a bank loan for development.

Having opened the rating of profitable businesses in Russia in recent years, a novice entrepreneur himself can calculate the level of profitability of each of them and analyze how such good results were achieved.

What are the benefits of trading

For example, food trade opens the ranking of the most profitable types of business. High incomes and low costs in this type of business are primarily associated with a high return on investment. Moreover, as the business grows, the rate of return on business operations increases.

Understanding this relationship, banks willingly lend money to food traders, which doubles the chances of success, because investing borrowed money is much more profitable than investing your own money.

This benefit is as follows:

  • while borrowed funds are circulating in the product, you can invest your own in increasing your own fixed capital (real estate, equipment, technology), thereby increasing the value of your business (not to be confused with profitability);
  • the receipt of borrowed funds can be planned, which reduces the cost of servicing loans and allows you to quickly respond to profitable financial offers (purchase of a large quantity of goods at a favorable price, etc.).

But food trading is far from the only activity attractive for investment.

The most profitable areas of business

Analysts say that the crisis is a very real chance to have a successful start in business. But in a crisis, an entrepreneur must take into account every nuance of the opening and development of an undertaking, since any little thing can either put an end to the idea or turn it into a gold mine.

For example, the idea of ​​selling silicone bumpers for cars for parking can become profitable if the entrepreneur approaches the marketing of his endeavor wisely:

When considering in detail the advantages of using silicone bumpers in a particular region, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the roads, weather conditions, and statistical indicators of the average salary in a given locality.

In addition to situational advantages, the introduction of ideas for a profitable business in Russia in 2018 may also receive government support if the entrepreneur decides to operate in industries that are consistent with the state strategy for overcoming the crisis. For example, these are innovations and social services.

It is profitable to purchase a business plan

Of course, I take into account the recommendations given. It will be easier for you to start your own business on your own, but in any case it is impossible to take into account all the nuances. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with and, if desired, purchase a ready-made business plan, for example a grocery store, which will greatly facilitate starting a business.

How to open a business without investment: Video

Business statistics is a set of activities aimed at collecting financial and economic information in the field of economic and trade activities of an enterprise or industry.

Systematic tracking of key financial indicators makes it possible to assess the level of development of a particular organization. With its help, you can make a comparative description of several companies in a specific field of production activity. Business indicators allow you to analyze achievements, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and develop innovative programs.

Features of conducting business statistics

In practice, business statistics is expressed in the application of specific statistical methods of analysis and accounting. They are used to obtain information about both a specific company and the local/regional market as a whole. The first stage of work is setting specific goals and objectives, defining the boundaries of the research. This is followed by the collection of accounting information, as well as business indicators:
  • profitability;
  • profit level;
  • added value;
  • the amount of working capital.
Customer loyalty information is then obtained by interviewing consumers. Analysis of business partners reveals data on the degree of involvement in specific business processes, showing the level of dependence of the company under study on existing players in the market. Next, the resulting statistical material is grouped into blocks and categories for analytical work.

Typically, the statistical data obtained is distributed into the following groups:

  • investment costs;
  • marketing information;
  • accounting data;
  • potential competitors.
Competent systematization implies the active use of statistical tables, graphs, indexes and information blocks. The final stage is a comprehensive analysis of structured data, mathematical calculation of specific indicators and summing up.

Main indicators in business statistics

  1. Absolute statistical indicators: information that can be measured in absolute numerical values: pieces, kilograms, monetary units, man-hours, liters, etc.
  2. Relative statistical indicators: identified as a result of processing primary data (absolute indicators). They are calculated by mathematical operations with the original numerical data, which makes it possible to obtain more statistical information.
  3. Average statistical indicators: are characterized by maximum information content, since they allow you to give an overall assessment of a particular business process by obtaining averaged data. Examples of values ​​of such static indicators: arithmetic mean, chronological mean and geometric mean.


Business statistics allow you to give an objective assessment of the economic and financial condition of the company, identify problems and weaknesses of the organization. This tool is actively used for research of both individual business entities and markets as a whole. When working with business statistics, software systems and automated data processing systems are used. This allows you to speed up the process and avoid errors when counting.

Business statistics is a set of activities aimed at collecting financial and economic information in the field of economic and trade activities of an enterprise or industry.

Systematic tracking of key financial indicators makes it possible to assess the level of development of a particular organization. With its help, you can make a comparative description of several companies in a specific field of production activity. Business indicators allow you to analyze achievements, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and develop innovative programs.

Features of conducting business statistics

In practice, business statistics is expressed in the application of specific statistical methods of analysis and accounting. They are used to obtain information about both a specific company and the local/regional market as a whole. The first stage of work is setting specific goals and objectives, defining the boundaries of the research. This is followed by the collection of accounting information, as well as business indicators:
  • profitability;
  • profit level;
  • added value;
  • the amount of working capital.
Customer loyalty information is then obtained by interviewing consumers. Analysis of business partners reveals data on the degree of involvement in specific business processes, showing the level of dependence of the company under study on existing players in the market. Next, the resulting statistical material is grouped into blocks and categories for analytical work.

Typically, the statistical data obtained is distributed into the following groups:

  • investment costs;
  • marketing information;
  • accounting data;
  • potential competitors.
Competent systematization implies the active use of statistical tables, graphs, indexes and information blocks. The final stage is a comprehensive analysis of structured data, mathematical calculation of specific indicators and summing up.

Main indicators in business statistics

  1. Absolute statistical indicators: information that can be measured in absolute numerical values: pieces, kilograms, monetary units, man-hours, liters, etc.
  2. Relative statistical indicators: identified as a result of processing primary data (absolute indicators). They are calculated by mathematical operations with the original numerical data, which makes it possible to obtain more statistical information.
  3. Average statistical indicators: are characterized by maximum information content, since they allow you to give an overall assessment of a particular business process by obtaining averaged data. Examples of values ​​of such static indicators: arithmetic mean, chronological mean and geometric mean.


Business statistics allow you to give an objective assessment of the economic and financial condition of the company, identify problems and weaknesses of the organization. This tool is actively used for research of both individual business entities and markets as a whole. When working with business statistics, software systems and automated data processing systems are used. This allows you to speed up the process and avoid errors when counting.
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